Social Authentication

This endpoint will be used to find (authenticate) OR create a user after a successful login on a social provider (Google, Facebook, etc.) via an SSOfied login page.

Social media providers return a special user id following a successful login through SSOfy. You can keep and match the combination of the provider name and user id to ensure uniqueness.

Consider the following specs in designing your social authentication endpoint:

HeadersContent-Type, Signature
409Duplicate (Optional)
400Signature/Input validation Failed

SSOfy utilizes the HTTP Status code to verify the result.

The response must be of the type Auth Response and include the user object.

You receive the exact user id provided by the social provider in the request, but after you create the entry in your database, you can return your own id in place of the user's id in the response, which can undoubtedly differ from the id in the request.

ssofyKnowledge Base
At our core, we believe that staying up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in Authentication and related areas is essential. That's why we take great pride in keeping you informed with the latest insights, updates, and news in this rapidly evolving landscape.

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